How to Upload Insulin Pump on Myadvocate

DM) Hullo Kamil. Every bit e'er, permit'southward start with how diabetes came into your life…

KA) I have been a type 1 diabetic for merely over half dozen years now. I was diagnosed on the 4th of April 2012.

I went to my family unit doctor with some pocket-sized PE injury (I was 14 and passion for volleyball tin speedily plow into injuries) and my mum just mentioned that I had lost a lot of weight recently, and so my doctor took a sample of my blood for lots of tests. My blood glucose was about 590 mg/dL. My diagnosis happened in a middle of a huge life change every bit my family unit (me, mum, dad) were in a center of moving from Poland to the Great britain. I was diagnosed about 3 months before our motility and at that bespeak, all the paperwork had been sorted for months and my diabetes wasn't going to stop it — even though I had been in the hospital for about 3 weeks later on my diagnosis.

Wow, you lot stayed in the infirmary for a full iii weeks?

In Poland, as soon as yous are diagnosed, you basically 'move' to the hospital and become through this (in my opinion) comprehensive program which ensures that you and your family are ready to deal with everything. I was 'studying' diabetes books; I would take lessons with unlike nurses, my endo, and other HCPs. They would even do verbal tests and my parents were so nervous about them. My Polish health team was in touch with me after the move and the transition was incredible.

I am still the merely person in my entire family unit with type one diabetes and nobody has type 2 either.

Give united states a gustatory modality of the diabetes tech and tools that you personally use?

OMG, where do I get-go? So, I use a community open project organization called Loop which automatically makes basal adjustments to keep me in range for as long as possible. This system uses an older Medtronic pump with RileyLink and CGM (Freestyle Libre with MiaoMiao Transmitter but recently switched to Dexcom G6).

Other than that, I use the 'nerd' classics like Apple Watch to do my boluses, and Amazon Alexa to cheque my glucose level. In terms of my family, my mum loves Nightscout and Dexcom share; she said that this is the 1 thing I need to take earlier studying abroad. But recently, we became IFTTT obsessed — that stands for "If This Then That," and it's an like shooting fish in a barrel free style to become your apps and devices working together.

One very incredible connectedness is decision-making lights in our dwelling house, and then my room lights and living room lights flash iii times when I approach a depression glucose level. IT IS INCREDIBLE. My personal favourite was the waffle maker integration — configured so the waffle maker in our kitchen would turn ON every single fourth dimension I was approaching a low blood glucose level, and then I could treat my hypo with a bad-ass hot chocolate waffle. I don't recommend this, every bit information technology is non a 'recommended hypo handling.' In fact, I had to plough this function off as it was really relatively difficult to make waffles when yous are low. {chuckles}

How did you first start using the open source, DIY diabetes technology and embracing #WeAreNotWaiting?

My journeying with the #WeAreNotWaiting movement started about two years ago when someone mentioned it to me in a Facebook group. I only started researching this spectrum of devices properly when I got my first insulin pump, the Medtronic 640G, and I was blown away. Almost six months after that, I started using Loop (the iOS equivalent of hugely pop #OpenAPS). I couldn't believe how incredible this DIY technology is and I knew directly away that this was something that is going to truly change my life. I have been fully embracing it ever since — mainly online on my YouTube channel, where I have been trying to explicate circuitous systems like OpenAPS using as simple language as possible.

Diabetes engineering is certainly changing quickly! Any observations on what you've seen since your diagnosis only six years ago?

In my stance, the biggest change has been the modify of patients and manufacturers mind-gear up from categorizing diabetes technology as medical devices to categorizing them as lifestyle devices. Nosotros no longer categorize our CGMs, pumps and meters equally medical devices; they are role of our lifestyle.

Another huge change has been manufacture's drive to lower the toll of our devices. Dexcom, Abbott, Medtronic are investing thousands into extending sensors, and then we can refer to CGMs as a 'necessity' instead of a 'luxury.' This motility is only going to accelerate every bit CGMs are more popular and companies benefit from economies of scale and we can see further toll reductions.

What would you say about the differences in diabetes tools and care between the UK and United states?

That is a very difficult question. Permit me get-go past saying that I don't fully empathise the The states healthcare system. A individual healthcare organization is incredibly hard to get your head around for a European. In terms of technology, I think that diabetes technology (pumps, CGM) is a lot more popular in the US. This is just my personal stance based on observations in the online diabetes community. In the UK, insulin pump funding is still incredibly difficult to become. Likewise, I think the UK / European market has more choice when it comes to varieties of insulin pumps and CGMs compared to the US. This is probably because of FDA'south high level of regulation in the US.

How did you go started becoming an active content provider in the DOC (Diabetes Online Community)?

I didn't know nearly the online community for a very long fourth dimension. I just found out near it about two years ago. As noted, information technology started in various Facebook groups and other social media channels, where people would ask me lots of questions about diabetes applied science like how to plough Freestyle Libre into 'existent' CGM and it got to a point where I would answer the same questions multiple times a twenty-four hours.

So I decided to first a YouTube channel chosen Nerdabetic (previously Diabetic Energetic) every bit I noticed that in that location was a need for someone to effort to explain some things about technology and aid people realize that is it not so difficult. So I have been trying to explicate various things from DIY Artificial Pancreas projects to Freestyle Libre with various success for virtually a year now, and I love doing my tiny bit for this community.

What diabetes advocacy are you lot/take you been involved with?

Aside from my online efforts — I really enjoy making informative videos about diabetes technology for my YouTube channel! — I accept been involved in a wonderful patients system chosen the European Patients Forum (EPF). They work with patient groups in public health and wellness advancement across Europe. I was invited to their Summertime Preparation Course for Young Patient Advocates in Vienna, Republic of austria. It was a truly incredible opportunity to meet astonishing patient advocates from 23 European counties, including advocates with dissimilar chronic atmospheric condition (diabetes, hemophilia, Parkinson's disease, etc.)

Congrats on that. In terms of diabetes, what practise you run across every bit the biggest overall challenge right at present?

Funding. I know that this is a very basic concept, merely sadly it is still true. Healthcare providers around the earth need to adopt a long-term approach to funding. Countless studies show that increase in funding directly corresponds with a reduction of diabetes complications and our DOC needs to keep fighting for more than funding.

What can the diabetes industry do better?

INDUSTRY NEEDS TO LEARN TO COMMUNICATE WITH United states. Almost all companies from the Forbes Global 2000 list have feedback systems in place, and non a single diabetes company has that. These companies accept decided to create a special department which has only job: listening to customers feedback. So, you can go to and suggests what you would like to happen with the next iPhone.

I believe that our community'southward pressure on Apple is the reason why Abbott received permission to access iPhone NFC chip (currently, Abbott is the but company in the world that has this exclusive access). Imagine the same situation with Dexcom. We would be able to give our feedback on their G6 app — on sensor size, what we expect from their partnership with Verily and more. Then to reiterate: THEY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO COMMUNICATE.

Evidently you're a big fan of innovation, simply how practise nosotros square that with access and affordability?

I am a big believer in Research and Development and long-term approach to things, and so I strongly believe that innovation volition permit companies to reduce CGM manufacturing costs, test strips costs and the cost of diabetes technology in general. We have already seen that happen with companies like Abbott. They have learned a lot from their CGM 'Freestyle Navigator' and used all of that R&D into developing Freestyle Libre, which is a huge hit worldwide, mainly due to the low price indicate. Libre has been a conversation starter in Europe, and it is now available in nearly all European countries and is covered by some national healthcare systems.

Great to hear. What are yous most looking forrard to at the Innovation Tiptop?

Meeting with young man members of the community. Being in the same room equally some of the most influential members of our community is a huge honour and I am so grateful for this opportunity. I know that this is the place for all diabetes technology lovers and my glucose is already ascension from excitement nearly this event and in-depth conversations with tech lovers.

Thanks for taking the time to talk, Kamil. We expect forrard to seeing y'all before long at the Innovation Pinnacle!


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